



I am trying to add some instance variables in helpers like the following:

module ApplicationHelper
 def title=(title)
   @title = title

 def title

and when I assign title in views/pages/index.html.erb like the following:

<% title = 'Listing Pages' %>

and try to show it in the views/layouts/application.html.erb like the following:

<%= title %>

it is showing as '' and after some debugging, looks like @title is not being set.

Why are the instance variables added in the helpers not available in the views (templates)?

Thanks in advance.


My guess is that Ruby thinks that what you are doing in

title = 'Listing Pages'

is as assignment to a local variable title.

Try to prefix it with self and see if it helps:

self.title = 'Listing Pages'
Milan Novota
@Milan:thanks a lot, it did solve the problem. Is there any other way to let ruby understand that what we are trying to do is trying to call method instead of appending prepending?
I don't think there's any better way. That's the way the interpreter works. The best way to avoid this kind of problem is just to watch this "a = b" pattern and have a little thought about it. The rule of thumb is: when assigning through a setter method within an instance always prepend it with self.
Milan Novota
One possible workaround: Name your setter method something like set_title instead of title=. Then you won't need to add self and just use it like this: set_tile "Listing pages"
Milan Novota