Has anybody used successfully waf for building java applications? Preferably on Jython? Maybe with ivy integration?
I seriously doubt that it's being used by more than few Java folks. I suspect that people might get tempted by it when migrating some python code to Java, but that's it.
Why would someone use it vs well known/supported(manuals, IDE, tutorials) frameworks? I guess I don't have to name those web frameworks :-).
Why would a Java developer use it vs Grails, JRuby on rails, etc.
I second what @lazy said. Not sure any Java developer would ever use it.
Helen Neely
2009-08-28 19:16:13
Somehow I don't understand your answer, I'm talking about a build tool! I'm became disenchanted with ant/maven and looking for alternatives.
2009-08-29 13:03:04