Hi friends,
I needed to create an application using Struts2 as MVC,Hibernate for data access and spring in the business logic. And also I needed to use Velocity for presentaion and sitemesh for templating.
Integrating Hibernate and Spring is done easily but integrating spring, sitemesh and velocity together with Struts2 is not clear for me but I can use velocity,spring and sitemsh individually with Struts2.
Of course as illustrated in this example http://www.rkcole.com/articles/struts/crudTutorial/step4.html sitemesh and spring can be integrated with struts2 configuring web.xml as
Now my task is to integrate velocity with this combination...............
Normally to integrate Velocity and struts2 I use the following
Now my question is how to set `
`, its only for velocity, or simemesh or has to be set differently
Please let me know how to proceed,if can please reply with complete web.xml and others steps to be followed.