Hi there. I have a script that runs every two minutes for a "Tweet-getter" application. In a nutshell it puts tweets onto Facebook. Every now and then it hiccups and despite my error checking, reposts old tweets continuously, every two minutes (the cycle of it being run as a cron job). I have a log.txt that in theory would help me determine what's going on here, but the problem is it isn't being written to every time the job runs. Here's the code:
$start_time = microtime();
require_once //a library and config
$facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $secret);
get_db_conn(); //returns $conn
$hold_me = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `stats`"));
$last_id_posted = $hold_me[0]; //the status # of the most recently posted tweet
$me = "mytwittername";
$ch = curl_init("http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml?since_id=$last_id_posted");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $me.":".$pw);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$xs = curl_exec($ch);
$data = new SimpleXMLElement($xs);
$latest_tweet_id = $last_id_posted;
$uid = get_uid(); //returns an array of facebookID->twittername
$user_count = count($uid);
$total_tweets = 0;
$posted_tweets = 0;
foreach ($data->status as $tweet) {
$name = strtolower($tweet->user->screen_name);
if (array_key_exists($name, $uid)) {
$total_tweets += 1;
// $name = Twitter Name
$message = $tweet->text;
$fbid = $uid[$name];
theposting($name,$message,$fbid); //posts tweet to facebook
$this_id = $tweet->id;
if ($this_id > $latest_tweet_id) {
$latest_tweet_id = $this_id;
mysql_query("UPDATE stats SET lasttweet='$latest_tweet_id'");
commit_log(); //logs to a txt file how many tweets posted, how many users, execution duration, and time of execution
So in theory the log is a string of "Monday 24th of August 2009 10:41:32 PM. Called all since # 3326415954. Updated to # 3526415953. 8 users. Took 0.086057 milliseconds. Posted 14 out of 20 tweets." lines. Occasionally though, it will skip two or three hours at a time, and in that time period it will "spam" people's facebook pages with multiple copies of the same tweet. I can't tell what might be breaking my code, but my suspicion is bad XML from twitter. All in all it's relatively low-traffic on my end, so I doubt I'm overloading my server or anything. The log.txt is 50kb right now, and last "broke" at ~35kb, so it's not a huge file slowing it down... Any thoughts would be appreciated!