Do you use the alias method in order to add more ways to call methods (like length and size) or is there another use for it?
The alias_method call is also useful for re-implementing something but preserving the original version. There's also alias_method_chain from Rails which makes that kind of thing even easier.
alias_method also comes in handy when you have a number of behaviors that are initially identical but might diverge in the future, where you can at least rough them in to start.
def handle_default_situation
%w[ poll push foo ].each do |type|
alias_method :"handle_#{type}_situation", :handle_default_situation
It is often used to preserve a handle to existing methods before overriding them. (contrived example)
Given a class like this:
class Foo
def do_something
puts "something"
You could see code that adds new behaviour like so:
class Foo
def do_something_with_logging
puts "started doing something"
do_something_without_logging # call original implementation
puts "stopped doing something"
alias_method :do_something_without_logging, :do_something
alias_method :do_something, :do_something_with_logging
(this is exactly how alias_method_chain
However, for this use case it't often more appropriate to use inheritance and modules to your advantage.
Still, alias_method
is a useful tool to have, if you absolutely need to redefine behaviour in an existing class (or if you wanted to implement something like alias_method_chain)