My web app runs on Apache mod_perl
using CGI::Application. I want to provide a download of a generated file. In the past (before we were using mod_perl
and CGI::App) I just spooled out a csv file to STDOUT
as it was generated. Now I'm shooting for a little more refinement - creating an Excel spreadsheet using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - and I can't seem it to get to print it out from the file handle.
sub export_list {
my $self = shift;
my $str;
open my $fh, '>', \$str;
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($fh);
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
$worksheet->write_col(0,0, ['some','data','here']);
warn $str;
return $str;
The output is just a blank response, and the warn is blank as well.
The method I'm using to write the spreadsheet to a filehandle is pretty much straight out of the documentation, so I assume the problem is due to some CGI::App noobery on my part. The documentation's suggested methods for filehandles and mod_perl
proved pretty fruitless as well.
I guess I should mention I'm running on Windows, and that my current workaround is to create a file and provide the user with a link to it. That poses more problems, however, in regards to clearing out the directory and when to do so, and also authentication for access to the generated files.
Suggestions? Scathing criticism?