Thus far I've tried to access this WSDL:
from the two common Python SOAP clients that I'm aware of: SOAPpy and ZSI.client.Binding. SOAPpy raises an exception in PyXML (xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token)) and ZSI raises an exception in the urlparse library.
What I'm hoping is:
1.) I'm using these libraries incorrectly (usage below)
2.) There is another SOAP library I don't know about that will be able to handle this
Here's my usage of the libraries:
from ZSI.client import Binding
b = Binding('')
hash = b.authenticate('should', 'get', 'authenticationfailurefromthis')
import SOAPpy
b = SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy('')
hash = b.authenticate('any', 'info', 'shoulddo')