Is it acceptable for a J2EE container to provide an implementation that complies with the public review version of a JSR, as opposed to the final draft (or even proposed final draft) ? I'm not sure on how to quantify/qualify the word 'acceptable' in this context, but what would be the 'gold standard' for stating that an implementation is adequate ? Is complete compliance with the TCK required ?
This is more or less born out of frustration with the JAX-WS 2.0 implementation in the Web Services Feature Pack for IBM WebSphere 6.1 - apparently, WSDLs are not generated for JAX-WS webservices if they have a SOAP 1.2 binding defined using the @BindingType annotation. When I last checked the JAX-WS 2.0 specification, one of the changes had removed this ambiguity (present in the public review in section 3.8, but clarified in the proposed final draft).