



How can you retrieve the value of the rel attribute of a given link and pass it to the handler?

I have a list of links such that

Link list

<div id='one_answer'>Answer1
    <a href="$" class="delete_answer" rel='Answer1'>delete</a>
<div id='one_answer'>Answer2
    <a href="$" class="delete_answer" rel='Answer2'>delete</a>
<div id='one_answer'>Answer3
    <a href="$" class="delete_answer" rel='Answer3'>delete</a>

These links are generated by the following code. The following value of the rel does not seem to be passed to the handler.

Links generated by PHP

    echo ($answer . "<a href='#'"                                                                                                                  
        . "class='delete_answer'"
        . " rel='" . $body . "'"         // I identify the answer
                                         // by the body of the answer
                                         // in the database
        . ">delete</a>"

The user clicks the second link. The rel attribute should pass the answer to the handler. jQuery should perform the following action based on the POST -data.


jQuery('a.delete_answer').live('click', function(){'/codes/handlers/delete_an_answer.php', 
        { delete_answer: jQuery(this).attr('rel') },    

The file delete_an_answer.php

$dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=masi user=masi password=123");
// remove the answer
$result = pg_query_params ( $dbconn,                                                                                                                                                                           
    'DELETE FROM answers 
    WHERE answer = $1',
    array ($_POST['answer'] )    // Problem here, because
                                 // $_POST['answer'] is empty when it gets here
                                 // so no answer is deleted

I fetch answers from Postgres and put at the same time the value of the rel attribute to be $body.

+1  A: 

Ok, well... To answer your first question, you can get the index of the element that was clicked within the array of elements matching a given selector using jQuery's index() method:

$('a.delete_answer').live('click', function()
  var index = $("a.delete_answer").index(this);
  // index will be 0 for the first matching link, 
  // 1 for the second, and so on. Do what you will with this...

As for the rest of your question, I really have no idea what it is you're asking.

Thank you for the feedback! - I clarified my question.
The current problem is that I do not know what $_POST['body'] contains. If I knew that, then I could know where the problem is.
I opened this thread which aims to solve the other problem first
+1  A: 

I can see several problems with this code:

  1. You have more than one <div id='one_answer'>. IDs should be unique, so $("#one_answer").removeClass("yellow"); will always select the first div, not all divs.
  2. delete_an_answer.php - In the php you're looking for $_POST['answer'], but the ajax has {question_id: jQuery(this).attr('rel')}.
  3. The links in your sample don't have a rel, and href='$', which is weird. Also <div id='one_answer> is broken, should be another single quote. I assume these are copy-paste problems.
Could you please clarify what you mean by (2). - **Do you mean that I should change the code to `{question_id: $(#one_answer).attr('rel')}`?**
I opened a new thread based on your point #1 here about the reference to a POST variable in jQuery.
#1 has nothing to do with POST - you have many object with the same ID - this creates bugs, and invalid. #2: You're sending the rel data from javascript with the key `question_id`, but on php you try to read the key `answer`. try $_POST['question_id']