



Most Wordpress themes have link to Wordpress' site in the footer.

Is it legal to remove link to Wordpress' site?

PS: I know that I can enclose the link in nofollow/noindex tags, but I want to completely remove the link.

+5  A: 

Read their license, if it's a license approved by OSI, then it's not illegal, since no OSI approved license demands linking to the place where the vendor delivers his stuff...

However if it's ethical is another issues, since these guys are giving you their stuff for free and hence they do deserve at least a small link from your website to the place that gave you their code for free...

The middle of the road solution could be removing the link, but having another page saying something about the technical platform or something that points to the wordpress website and talks nicely about their products ... :)

Thomas Hansen
+1 I agree. Illegal or not it is best to give props to the Wordpress development team.
Will Bickford
"The middle of the road solution" is very suitable for us.We already have a "Thank you" page. Thank you for your answer!
+1  A: 

That is a license-specific question of the individual theme, but my bet is that you probably can.

Give us a link to the theme or its license and we can answer with authority.

Where you will get into trouble is if you remove the license itself, especially if you are distributing or selling Wordpress and/or the themes. Further reading: GPL FAQ

Stu Thompson