Hello evertbody,
First i am a beginner in programming in general, i am trying to create a program for using gps locations from Lightroom on a map in googlemaps.
When i use the print the strings below ti the screen i see 5 different value's, this is also what i want, but...
I want to create also 5 different markers on the map this is done by the addMarkerByCoords Function but how can i use the 5 vaulue per strings in the funtion ?
I have tried array, foreach but i cannot getting to work. The not working part can and proberly will be my fault. LOL
print_r ("$Loncoord");
print_r ("$Latcoord");
print_r ("$gui");
//$map->formatOutput = true;
$map->addMarkerByCoords("$Loncoord","$Latcoord","$gui",'<b>Old Chicago</b>');
Can somebode give me a hint ?
To: Jonathan Sampson: outputs print_r :-5.68166666667, +24.6513888889,IMG_3308,index.html,Landschap
To: Anti Veeranna I removed the " marks (and the program stll works), but can you explain why this is better ?
And to the others Thank you very very much for the effort,work and really quick responses.