Is it possible to write a program that will change the phone numbers a mobile phone redirects calls to if it cannot be reached by the network?
3It certainly is possible.
If you're talking about general PTSN and mobile networks, you'll probably need to do so as a service on the network operators IN (intelligent networking) platform(s). Obviously this would be a service provided by the network operation, so I suspect though that's not quite what you're asking about.
If you're talking about a mobile phone redirecting calls that cannot be made to a number the caller (rather than the person called) decides, then you'll need to craft a solution specific to the phone OS.
I'm not familiar enough to know how to do this on a per phone system platform I'm afraid, though I know for the iPhone you'll need to use something other than Java.
Neither the functionality you're describing ("intercepting" a call), nor an implementation in Java, would be possible on the iPhone (at least currently, using the official SDK).
Seems like the following link describes how to do it on Symbian at least: