I'm having a problem with some T-SQL in a SP on SQLServer 2005 comparing dates. I'm running the stored procedure from c# with ADO.Net and passing a the native c# datetime datatype(could this be my issues as I know the ranges are slightly different). I do the following to compare 2 DateTime values in my SP.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetLikelyMatchedIndividuals_v1]
WHERE ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(8),Ind.[DateOfBirth],112),'') = ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(8),@DOB,112),'')
This works fine in most cases but from some reason will fail with some Datetime. This is one datetime value that fails:
Does anyone have anyidea why this may fail? Also what is the best way to compare two date values without the time component?