It's rather hard to do a true generic tree implementation in Java that really separated the tree operations and properties from the underlying implementations, i.e. swap in a RedBlackTreeNode and override a couple of method to get a RedBlackTree implementation while retaining all the generic operations that a BinaryTree interface contains.
Also, an ideal abstraction would be able to swap out the low-level tree representation, e.g. an implicit binary tree structure stored in an array for a Heap or a Node-base interface with left and right child pointers, or multiple child pointers, or augmenting any of the above with parent pointers, or threading the leaf nodes, etc, etc, etc.
I did try and solve this myself, but ended up with quite a complicated interface that still enforces type safety. Here's the skeleton of the idea that sets up a abstract BinaryTree class with a non-trivial operation (Euler Tour) that will work even if the underlying node class or tree class is changed. It could probable be improved by introducing the idea of cursors for navigation and positions within the tree structure:
public interface Tree<E, P extends Tree.Entry<E, P>> extends Collection<E>
public P getRoot();
public Collection<P> children(P v);
public E getValue(P v);
public static interface Entry<T, Q extends Entry<T, Q>> { }
public interface BinaryTree<E, P extends BinaryTree.Entry<E, P>> extends Tree<E, P>
public P leftChild(P v);
public P rightChild(P v);
public static interface Entry<T, Q extends Entry<T, Q>> extends Tree.Entry<T, Q>
public Q getLeft();
public Q getRight();
public interface TreeTraversalVisitor<E, P extends BinaryTree.Entry<E, P>, R>
public R visitLeft( BinaryTree<E, P> tree, P v, R result );
public R visitCenter( BinaryTree<E, P> tree, P v, R result );
public R visitRight( BinaryTree<E, P> tree, P v, R result );
public abstract class AbstractBinaryTree<E, P extends BinaryTree.Entry<E, P>> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements BinaryTree<E, P>
public Collection<P> children( P v )
Collection<P> c = new ArrayList<P>( 2 );
if ( hasLeft( v ))
c.add( v.getLeft());
if ( hasRight( v ))
c.add( v.getRight());
return c;
* Performs an Euler Tour of the binary tree
public static <R, E, P extends BinaryTree.Entry<E, P>>
R eulerTour( BinaryTree<E, P> tree, P v, TreeTraversalVisitor<E, P, R> visitor, R result )
if ( v == null )
return result;
result = visitor.visitLeft( tree, v, result );
if ( tree.hasLeft( v ))
result = eulerTour( tree, tree.leftChild( v ), visitor, result );
result = visitor.visitCenter( tree, v, result );
if ( tree.hasRight( v ))
result = eulerTour( tree, tree.rightChild( v ), visitor, result );
result = visitor.visitRight( tree, v, result );
return result;