



I'm getting rather sick of Dreamweaver. It decides some PHP is invalid and then picks a random colour to display the code in, instead of the normal syntax highlighting. I've Googled the problem of course, but can't find a way of turning this behaviour off.

The particular thing it's doing at the minute is this:

Invalid markup Marked invalid because it's not the correct format for an HTML tag. Use the Code View to fix the source code.

The file is a ridiculously basic CodeIgniter controller as follows:

class Controller2 extends Controller {

    function Controller2()

    function index()
     echo "TEST";

/* End of file welcome.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/controllers/welcome.php */

Inserting a carriage return at the end of line 1 returns the code to normal syntax highlighting until you do something else with it.

How do I turn off this 'feature' of Dreamweaver's?


View > Code View Options > Highlight Invalid Code
