For every page requested, I need to check a cookie or create it if it's not there. If the cookie is there, I need to load up some info from the DB based on the contents of that cookie.
To do this I have created a base controller called AppController that my other controllers inherit from.
then I have something like this (so that the CurrentSessionValues object is available to all my controllers):
public MySession CurrentSessionValues;
public ApplicationController()
if (Request.Cookies["MySiteCookie"] == null)
// create new Record in DB
CurrentSessionValues = CreateMySession();
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("MySiteCookie");
cookie.Value = CurrentSessionValues.SessionID.ToString;
// use the value in MySiteCookie to get values from the DB
// e.g. logged in user id, cart id, etc
When I run this, I get this error in default.aspx:
An error occurred while creating a controller of type 'Mvc_Learn.Controllers.HomeController'.
If the controller doesn't have a controller factory, ensure that it has a parameterless public constructor.
It breaks on Request.Cookies["MySiteCookie"]
Should I be doing this logic in some other way or another place?