I need to be able to send the content type "text/xml" to Firefox and Safari, to allow them to render inline SVG in one of my pages.
This works, as long as the content type is "text/xml".
However, when IE hits the page, if the content type is not "text/html" it tries to render the XML document tree, rather than the XHTML content of the page.
What is the "right way" in ASP.NET MVC to set the HTTP Content-Type of ALL of my views?
Keep in mind that I am going to be rendering the views as ViewResults.
Ok, to clear any confusion up:
User Agent Content-Type Desired
IE 5.5 text/html
IE 6 text/html
IE 7 text/html
IE 8 text/html
Firefox text/xml
Safari text/xml
Chrome text/xml
And so on.
All of the browsers listed support SVG inline in some way or another. I have a consistent delivery format, save the content type.