



Do you think you are a java wizard?

That you are well versed in the secrets of the reflection API?

public @interface @a {}
public @interface @b {}
@Mark public @interface @c {}    
@Mark public @interface @d {}
public @interface @e {}

public Class C
    @a @b @c @d @e public void x();

public class Solver
    public Annotation[] solve(Method m, Class c);

You have to write method solve, so that if it is invoked on method C.x() and Mark.class it returns {c, d}.

(This is not homework, is a real programming assignment for a framework metaprogramming framework I am trying to develop)

+1  A: 

Actually, I don't get how this is even remotely tricky.

Update, forgot to include the contains function and also made a mistake switching Annotation.getClass() with Annotation.annotationType(). This code works

public @interface A {}

public @interface B {}

@Target(value = ElementType.TYPE)
public @interface Mark {}

public class C {
@A @B public void f() {}

public class Solver {
public static boolean  contains(Annotation a, Class<?> targetAnnotation) {
    Class<?> c = a.annotationType();
    Annotation[] cas = c.getAnnotations();
    for (Annotation aa : cas) {
        if (aa.annotationType().equals(targetAnnotation)) {
            return true;
    return false;

public static Annotation[] getMarked(Method m) {
    List<Annotation> retVal = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
    for (Annotation a : m.getAnnotations()) {
        if (contains(a.getClass().getAnnotations(), Mark.class) {
    return retVal.toArray(new Annotation[]{});

public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
    Annotation[] result = getMarked(C.class.getMethod("f"));    
} // solver

Note that this requires that all the annotations be marked with runtime level retention and also that returning Annotation[] is probably not what you want. You probably want to return a Class[] full of the actual types (in my example, A.class)

That actually doesn't work for me. Did you test it?
did you specify RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME on your annotations? otherwise - they are erased at runtime.
Andreas Petersson
He's right, my original code didn't work because I was using Annotation.getClass() I should have been using Annotation.annotationType().
+5  A: 

This is tested to work. It was indeed harder than it should have been.

public @interface a{}

public @interface b{}

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface Mark{}

public @interface c{}

public static class D {
    @a @b @c
    public void x() {}

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Method m = D.class.getMethod("x");

    Collection<Annotation> ret = new HashSet<Annotation>();
    Annotation[] annotations = m.getAnnotations();
    for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
        Annotation subAnnots = annotation.annotationType().getAnnotation(Mark.class);
        if (subAnnots != null) {

I guess it just begs the question of why annotationType() works, but getClass() does not.

It's easy to get wrapped around the axle when dealing with reflection. annotation.getClass() will return Class<Annotation>, not the class of the annotation it represents. Meta-programming is ugly at times!
My nemesis: 'testing code before releasing it'
Specifically, the Annotation object is a proxy object specific to a single class being annotated. Because this is meta, the getClass() is the class of the annotation instance, while annotationType() is the meta equivalent of getClass()
Thanks Jherico, that makes sense.