



Is it possible to hide the mouse cursor in a web browser?

I've done this in Flash for a touch screen application, where a mouse cursor is distracting and unneeded. This time it's for a display screen that is non-interactive, so a mouse cursor is not needed.

My gut feeling is there's no easy way to achieve this in the web browser, only by use of a browser plug-in.

The browser in use is Firefox, so perhaps there's a plug-in that achieves this? Although it would be preferable to be able to do this via JavaScript/jQuery.

+7  A: 

Just use css rule

* {cursor: none;}
Eldar Djafarov
correct - but some browsers will still show the cursor if the document height is not filled / >100% ..
I'd heard talk about this, but was told it didn't work... it's a nice surprise it does :)
Peter Bridger
it doesn't work in chrome
Works in chrome for me (version 6.0.472.63 on Mac OSX).
William Knight
+1  A: 

Try using the CSS:

     cursor: none;
+1  A: 

Try this:

And use a transparent cursor.

This should be more cross-browser than * {cursor: none}, but as long as you stick to standards-compliant browsers, that can be enough