



Hello, I'm working on automated builds and need to be able to list elements that were worked on under particular activities. I'm new to ClearCase so I apologise for naiivety ...

My downstream build process works fine and I now need to populate a 'pre-build' area by identifying the (checked-in) files associated with one or more activities, labels etc (in fact any combination the change/release manager wants) by listing the candidate files for a build and then copying them from the M: drive (Windows). We are using CC 7.1 with a back end on AIX and Win XP Pro desktops. We'll use ccperl to drive the find+copy process.

I have battled with 'find' to no avail - can someone lend a hand? All help gratefully received.


+1  A: 
  • For "label" (I suppose "UCM Baselines" since you mention "activities", which exist only with UCM):

The easiest way would be to configure a config spec for a dynamic view:

element * MY_BASELINE

in order to quickly access the right files.

  • For activities, you could (if there is not too much files involved), list the exact versions of each activities you want:

    cleartool descr -l activity:my_actity@\pvob

and parse the result to grep/awk only what you need.
You need only to do this within a dynamic view (any dynamic view): the activity will contain a list of extended pathnames, meaning you will be able to access and copy each version through that myFile@@/main/myBranch/myVersion path.

Thanks, this is helpful. Much obliged -Cliff