what do "=&" / "&=" operators in php mean? where can I read info about them? searching google doesn't help
$a &= $b
is short for $a = $a & $b
which is the bitwise-and operator.
$a =& $b
assigns $a as a reference to $b.
For more information, consult Google.
2009-09-02 12:42:43
or php.net: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.bitwise.php
2009-09-02 12:43:33
he said he couldn't find it on google.
2009-09-02 12:44:11
thats it! thanks a lot :)
2009-09-02 12:45:12
it's hard to google for special characters :)
Michael Krelin - hacker
2009-09-02 12:46:01
Michael Krelin - hacker
2009-09-02 12:46:47
Also on php.net: See the "References Explained" section.
2009-09-02 12:48:30
@hacker: Using a common name for the special character usually works well, e.g. "ampersand php".
2009-09-02 13:00:57
GZipp, haven't tried that, but well, makes sense.
Michael Krelin - hacker
2009-09-02 13:11:00
thanx everybody for the advices
2009-09-02 19:23:28
http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.references.whatdo.php more explanations on references.
Colin Hebert
2010-08-19 22:01:19