I'm developing functionality that can operate on concrete data beans returned via Hibernate, or DynaBeans returned by using Jakarta Commons/BeanUtils' RowSetDynaClass (which wraps a JDBC result set). RowSetDynaClass by default forces all bean property names to lower case, and I need to convert all my concrete beans from Hibernate to DynaBeans using WrapDynaBean. The default lower casing by RowSetDynaClass seems like a good idea, however I may not know ahead of time how the property names of the concrete beans will be cased; due to Hibernate configuration, they need not be cased identically to their corresponding table column names.
Is there built in functionality for forcing property names to lower case using BeanUtils? I can't find it documented other than for RowSetDynaClass. In lieu of something built in to BeanUtils, can anybody suggest the best way to acheive this myself?