





I just created a facebook page. I also have a separate facebook APP.

How can I add a tab containing my facebook APP to the facebook page? I've set the app to allow install on pages, and add a tab name etc, but the app doesn't show as an application option to be added on the facebook page.

Please enlight.

Thanks, Tee


I'm a little confused as to what you're meaning by 'tab'. The FB formatted tabs are created using something like this:

<div style="padding:10px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;">
        <fb:tab-item href="index.php" title="Home"/>
        <fb:tab-item href="page2.php" title="page 2"/>
        <fb:tab-item href="page3.php" title="page 3" align="right"/>
        <fb:tab-item href="page4.php" title="page 4" align="right"/>

Again, just a stab in the dark here.

+1  A: 

Hi Travis, thanks for the response.

When I say tab, I'm referring to profile tab. e.g http://www.facebook.com/skittles (see they have a custom tab called "Holla")

I'm actually able to add the tab now, but am now faced with another issue. Clicking on the tab gives blank content.

Doing a google search, people seems to be saying "don't do redirect". Any idea what that means?

Thanks, Tee

+1  A: 

Add a Profile Tab page at the developer page (Edit Settings > Profile) http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php

You can add all Apps as Tab which are currently active in your session and have Tabs-Urls added.

Use the "+" icon at the Public Profile/Page to add it - if its not in the list use the search function at the bottom of the list.

If you're Tab is blank open the Tab Url directly. If its not working there fix it until it is. If it is working there the problem is within the communication of fb with your host. Check your Logfiles!

Wild guess: Be aware that facebook fetches this pages via POST request. I had a nasty bug because nginx 500's all post requests to static files (e.g. HTML files).

Andreas Klinger