




Scala's Enumeration class and the Enumeration.Val readResolve method do not appear to work as they should do (possibly related to this entry in Scala trac). Here is a program provided by *Steve Bendiola" to illustrate the problem:

object InvestmentType extends Enumeration {
  val Debt = Value("DEBT")
  val Future = Value("FUTURE")
  val Equity = Value("EQUITY")

Now a Main class which can be run either with an arument W where it will write out the enumeration values to a file, or R where it will read them back in again:

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]) = {
    args(0) match {
      case "R" => {
        val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("enum.ser"))
        var obj: Object = null

        foreach(ois) { obj =>
              obj match {
                case InvestmentType.Debt => println("got " + obj)
                case InvestmentType.Equity => println("got " + obj)
                case InvestmentType.Future => println("got " + obj)
                case _ => println("unknown: " + obj + " of: " + obj.getClass)

      case "W" => {
        val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("enum.ser"))
        InvestmentType.foreach {i => oos.writeObject(i)}

Both these methods require this foreach method:

  def foreach(os: ObjectInputStream)(f: Object => Unit) {
    try {
      val obj = os.readObject
      if (obj != null) {
    } catch {
      case e: EOFException => //IGNORE

The output of this program should certainly not look like:

got DEBT
unknown: FUTURE of: class scala.Enumeration$Val
unknown: EQUITY of: class scala.Enumeration$Val

It appears to be related to which order the enumeration values are declared. Reordering them, it appears that the first value is always sensibly resolved


Scala bases the hashCode of each Value of its Enumeration class on the unique numeric ids created for them. They are not serializable. You may force the numeric value:

object InvestmentType extends Enumeration {
  val Debt = Value(1, "DEBT")
  val Equity = Value(2, "EQUITY")
  val Future = Value(3, "FUTURE")

This ought to produce a serializale version of the enumeration, but mind that you could have a collision between these values and any other enumeration.

Untested, though.

Daniel - as I mentioned on the Scala User's mailing list, the issue has *nothing whatsoever* to do with `hashCode`. I am just using the `identityHashCode` of the the Enumeration values in a single JVM to show that the `readResolve` method on the `Enumeration.Val` class is not working properly
The question did feel too simple to be coming from you. :-) Yes, I saw it.