



I'm using the awesome_nested_set plugin in my Rails project. I have two models that look like this (simplified):

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :categories

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :customer

  # Columns in the categories table: lft, rgt and parent_id
  acts_as_nested_set :scope => :customer_id

  validates_presence_of :name
  # Further validations...

The tree in the database is constructed as expected. All the values of parent_id, lft and rgt are correct. The tree has multiple root nodes (which is of course allowed in awesome_nested_set).

Now, I want to render all categories of a given customer in a correctly sorted tree like structure: for example nested <ul> tags. This wouldn't be too difficult but I need it to be efficient (the less sql queries the better).

Update: Figured out that it is possible to calculate the number of children for any given Node in the tree without further SQL queries: number_of_children = (node.rgt - node.lft - 1)/2. This doesn't solve the problem but it may prove to be helpful.

+2  A: 

You have to recursively render a partial that will call itself. Something like this:

# customers/show.html.erb
<p>Name: <%= %></p>
  <%= render :partial => @customer.categories %>

# categories/_category.html.erb
  <%= link_to, category %>
    <%= render :partial => category.children %>

This is Rails 2.3 code. You'll have to call the routes and name the partial explicitely before that.

François Beausoleil
Yeah, I came up with the same solution myself. The problem is that EVERY call to `children` executes an extra SQL query (100 subtrees = 100 SQL queries). Results in a classical N+1 problem. That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Besides: The first render partial call should be something like `<%= render :partial => @customer.categories.roots %>`
Christoph Schiessl
+5  A: 

I answered a similar question for php recently (nested set == modified preorder tree traversal model).

The basic concept is to get the nodes already ordered and with a depth indicator by means of one SQL query. From there it's just a question of rendering the output via loop or recursion, so it should be easy to convert this to ruby.

I'm not familiar with the awesome_nested_set plug in, but it might already contain an option to get the depth annotated, ordered result, as it is a pretty standard operation/need when dealing with nested sets.

Henrik Opel
+4  A: 

It would be nice if nested sets had better features out of the box wouldn't it.

The trick as you have discovered is to build the tree from a flat set:

  • start with a set of all node sorted by lft
  • the first node is a root add it as the root of the tree move to next node
  • if it is a child of the previous node (lft between prev.lft and prev.rht) add a child to the tree and move forward one node
  • otherwise move up the tree one level and repeat test

see below:

def tree_from_set(set) #set must be in order
  buf = START_TAG(set[0])
  stack = []
  stack.push set[0]
  set[1..-1].each do |node|
    if stack.last.lft < node.lft < stack.last.rgt
      if node.leaf? #(node.rgt - node.lft == 1)
        buf << NODE_TAG(node)
        buf << START_TAG(node)
      buf << END_TAG
  buf <<END_TAG

def START_TAG(node) #for example

def NODE_TAG(node)

John F. Miller
This works. You are right regarding awesome_nested_set too. I can't help to wonder why this isn't built into the plugin in the first place. Thx!
Christoph Schiessl
Forgot to mention: The essential point about your solution is, that it requires only one single SQL query!
Christoph Schiessl


@set = Category.root.self_and_descendants
<%= render :partial => 'item', :object => @set[0] %>


<% @set.shift %>
<li><%= %>
<% unless item.leaf? %>
  <%= render :partial => 'item', :collection =>{|i| i.parent_id ==} %>
<% end %>
Anton Orel