I'd like to write custom providers for start menu searching, but I can't seem to find where to begin.
Things I'd like to be able to do when I type in the search box on the start menu
- Type "thomas" and see "IM Thomas" (if a Pidgin/whatever-IM-client-with-API contact exists with the name match)
- Type "=1+2*3" and see "7", or "=2 gallons in ounces" and see "256"
- Anything else I can think up where I have a store of custom data results that could be launched from the start menu. This would be especially useful for custom applications, letting our users type "order XYZ", which would search orders in the application and let the user open them from the start menu.
I'm not looking for a tool to do this for me. Rather, I'd like to find any documentation on writing custom search result providers, ideally in C#.