
Is there a way to change the name of a Start menu link name using a Custom Action

Hello, We are localizing our application and need to change the name displayed in the Start menu based on the current UI culture. We would like to do this using a Custom Action during the installation. We are using Windows Installer deployment projects and do not plan on using any third party deployment tools. Thank you! ...

How to "refresh" Windows 7 start menu from NSIS installer ?

Hi, I have an installer (NSIS) that creates shortcuts in start menu. When I remove the program uninstall removes the folder from: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ unfortunately the folder is still in start menu. Maybe it's just a matter of refreshing the start menu - but how to do it from NSI...

Custom Windows 7 Start Menu Search Provider

I'd like to write custom providers for start menu searching, but I can't seem to find where to begin. Things I'd like to be able to do when I type in the search box on the start menu Type "thomas" and see "IM Thomas" (if a Pidgin/whatever-IM-client-with-API contact exists with the name match) Type "=1+2*3" and see "7", or "=2 gallons ...

Replacing the Start Menu

I want to make my own Start Menu replacement and I am trying to figure out what approach to use. There are a number of ways the Start Menu is activated: click on it, hit windows key, hit ctrl+esc keys or tab until it gets focus and hit the space or enter key. I know enough about win32 to do each one of these separately and I could figur...

Use Wix installer to add shortcut to subfolder in startmenu programs

I am trying to add my program shortcut to an existing folder in the start menu shortcuts. For example All Programs -> AppNameFolder -> AppNameVersionFolder -> AppShortcut In order to achieve this I added the extra lines: <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolderApp" Name="App"> <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="APP ...

How to 'Refresh' the Vista start menu programmatically.

Hi, I am working on a piece of code that removes an extra folder we have in the user's start menu. I start by removing all of the shortcuts it contains, and then remove the folder itself. After this is done, I can confirm that the shortcuts have been removed from the start menu, but their containing folder remains listed in the start ...

why is win7/ie8 favorites the start menu?

does anyone know why Win7 Pro IE8 favorites are really the programs in the start menu? I don't see the point, there are usually tons of folders here so it is hard to find internet shortcuts, and why would I want to open a program from IE? I don't like to IE but Firefox usually freezes up on Win7 after 15 I am using IE8 mo...

Adobe AIR - Option to not create a shortcut when installing an AIR application

Hello Stackoverflow community, Does anyone know if there is an option to not create a shortcut to an AIR application after its installation? Currently, all I have found is an option to choose the location of the application shortcut from within the start menu (in the application descriptor file, using the programMenuFolder option) Tha...

WM6.5 - C# - Check if Start Menu is Visible

Hi guys, I'm developing an Windows Mobile 6.5 start menu replacement called JWMD Stuick. Currently, I'm able to detect if the Start Menu is created or destroyed by checking GetWindowLong() API.. Though this does not guarantee if Start Menu is visible or not because other cooked ROM was even if the Start Menu is closed or an app was ex...

How can I make the start menu apear anywhere on the screen?

I am creating a taskbar. For now want to use the windows start menu and only relpace the taskbar. I saw that there's an docklet for object dock that can open the start menu and it opens just above the mouse. So I know that ths is possible, but I can't find anything on the internet. How can I do this? I am using the .net framework ...

How would I pass my program a string from the start menu search in Windows (like ping)?

When my program is launched from the start menu shortcut I would like to send it a string. I see that ping does this because I can type in ping [and a domain] and it will pop the cmd window and do the ping. However I think this must be working differently than what I have setup because even though the shortcut to the program is in the st...