



Does anyone know why is it not possible to get the virtualpath when you are running the mvc unit test project? Is it because it creates a Temp folders under TestResults Folder.??


Where would it come from with no web server running?

You have to mock anything related to paths in your mock HttpContext, e.g.:

request.Expect(req => req.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath).Returns("~/");
response.Expect(res => res.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>()))
     .Returns((string virtualPath) => virtualPath);
Craig Stuntz
Well the thing is when testing the controller ,from the controller i get some of the values from the global resources and i get an error "The application relative virtual path '~/' is not allowed". Is there any way to resolve this, other than having the global and local resources separated from the mvc project.