Does anyone know a way to determine if a Rails association has been eager loaded?
My situation: I have a result set where sometimes one of the associations is eager loaded, and sometimes it isn't. If it isn't eager-loaded, then I want to look up associations using ActiveRecord's find. If it is eager loaded, I want to use detect.
For example, say that I have a "has_many" array of shipping_info objects in my item model. Then:
If item is eager loaded, most efficient load is:
item.shipping_infos.detect { |si| si.region == "United States" }
If item isn't eager loaded, most efficient load is:
item.shipping_infos.find(:first, :conditions => { :region => "United States" })
But unless I know whether it is eager loaded, I don't know which code to call to get the record efficiently. If I use the first method when it wasn't eager loaded, then I have to look up more DB records than necessary. And if I use the second method when it was eager loaded, then my eager loaded objects are ignored.