I've experienced first hand the extent of the horror and foot-shooting that the ugliness of PHP can cause. I'm onto my next project (you may be wondering why I'm not just switching languages but that's not why I'm here) and I've decided to try doing it right, or at least better, this time.
I've got some models defined, and I've started on a main controller. I'm at a fork in my decisions about how to implement the view. So far, the main controller can be given lists of display functions to call, and then it can spew out the whole page with one call. It looks like:
function Parse_Body()
foreach ($this->body_calls as $command)
$call = $command['call'];
if (isset($command['args'])) $call($command['args']);
else $call();
My dilemma is this:
Would it be better to have all of my display functions return the HTML they generate, so that the main controller can just echo $page;
or should the display files use raw HTML outside of PHP, which gets output as soon as it's read?
With the former, the main app controller can precisely control when things get output, without just relinquishing complete control to the whim of the displays. Not to mention, all those lists of display functions to call (above) can't really be executed from a display file unless they got passed along. With the latter method, I get the benefit of doing HTML in actual HTML, instead of doing huge PHP string blocks. Plus I can just include the file to run it, instead of calling a function. So I guess with that method, a file is like a function.
Any input or advice please?