I've worked for attorneys as an in-house developer, it is really one of the best combinations you could have. Essentially, they would watch legislation and upcoming bills that would be passed in parliament like legal eagles and create systems based on that. It's very lucrative and I want to say at the same time, almost unfair!
A good example is (I live in South Africa so this might not apply your country as such) that a bill was passed called BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) that forces companies to adjust their racial quota to "reflect overall population make-up". The system we then immediately started developing was an integrated rating and supplier search system. Companies could get BEE Certified with a few mouse clicks.
Another example is an act called RICA over here. The legislation forces anyone with a PAYG (pay as you go) SIM to register with their relevant service providers, providing personal information (ID, DOB, Firtname, Lastname etc) or risk having their SIM suspended. Guess how interesting that can get with a couple of hundred million to serve.
Yet another example... cough... TMI!