The Err object is cleared whenever you exit a Sub as expected (e.g., no error occurs). In your example, the Resume ProcExit
statement is unnecessary. The following two subs behave the same way:
Public Sub SubA()
On Error Goto ProcError
MsgBox FuncA()
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume ProcExit
End Sub
Public Sub SubA()
On Error Goto ProcError
MsgBox FuncA()
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
You don't have to use the Exit Sub
statement to clear the Err object. Simply falling out of the sub when you hit End Sub
has the same affect.
If you want errors from "the other procedures" to "roll up" (a better word is propagate) to the error handler on your main calling procedure, they shouldn't contain error handlers at all. For instance, suppose Main calls SubA, and SubA calls FuncA. An error occurs in FuncA. If you handle the error in FuncA by simply displaying a message box, like you do in your example, the code is going to continue executing in SubA, but will be in an unstable state because something went wrong in FuncA and SubA does not know about it.
One option is to refrain from putting error handlers in SubA and FuncA. When an error happens in FuncA, it gets raised to SubA, which in turn raises it to Main where it is then properly handled.
An even better option is to trap the errors, log them, then re-raise them. Then when the error finally gets to your Main Sub with the error handler, you'll have more information to work with.