I am trying to build a web which broadcast video. For that I chose Silverlight as player. But I dont know how to load the silverlight player. I searched in google but nothing helps me. Please give me suggestions. Any help will be appreciated.
Can be as easy as
// some code here
<object id="SilverlightMediaPlayer"
data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," autoupdate="true"
style="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
<param name="MinRuntimeVersion" value="2.0.31005.0"/>
<param name="Source" value="<?php echo $url_videodata; ?>" />
<param name="windowless" value="true" />
PHP itself doesn't care (much) about what you print/output to the client. You "just" have to send something that the client will parse and interpret the way you want it.
2009-09-04 06:39:14
whether i have to include anything????? @VolterK
2009-09-04 06:56:57
No, php really, really doesn't care about silverlight at all. It makes no difference to php whether you send 'Mary had a little lamb' or '<object type="application/x-silverlight-2" .... </object>'
2009-09-04 07:33:35