I tried to open a file with fopen() function in PHP and it output warning of failure to open stream: permission denied. You know that warning / error you encounter when apache doesn't have enough privileges to open a particular file.
However despite the warning message being displayed, my PHP script successfully opened the file and wrote a string into it. It doesn't make sense.
So what is matter? I can put a @ immediately before fopen() but still it's weird and I want to know why PHP behaves this way. Is there something I didn't configure right?
class XMLDB {
private $file = null;
private $xml = null;
private $defs = array();
private $recs = array();
// private members above, public members below
public function __construct($xmlfile) {
if (!file_exists($xmlfile)) {
die('XML file does not exist.');
$this -> file = $xmlfile;
$this -> xml = simplexml_load_file($this -> file);
$this -> iniVocab();
$this -> iniData();
... /* lots of private and public functions */
public function commit() {
$xmlfile = fopen($this -> file, 'w'); // this is causing the warning
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$doc -> preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$doc -> loadXML($this -> xml -> asXML());
$doc -> formatOutput = true;
fwrite($xmlfile, $doc->saveXML());
public function __destruct() {
$this -> commit();
/* comment this line out and there won't be any warnings,
/* therefore it should trace back to here. So I found out that
/* it's when I use die() that eventually calls __destruct()
/* which in turn calls commit() to trigger this fopen warning. */
EDIT: So every first time I try to write something to the opened file, it's all right. Then if the class tries to commit all changes to the file again when the page is unloaded, that is, the object to be destroyed, it calls the __destruct() method and $this -> commit() to write the changes to the file - this is when the error occurs and it refuses to write to the file and pomping out the permission denied message. It's weird.