The standard way to do this in Tcl/Tk is trivial: you use the same bind command but without the final argument.
bind .b <Button-1> doSomething
puts "the function is [bind .b <Button-1>]"
=> the function is doSomething
You can do something similar with Tkinter but the results are, unfortunately, not quite as usable:
=> 'if {"[-1208974516doSomething %# %b %f %h %k %s %t %w %x %y %A %E %K %N %W %T %X %Y %D]" == "break"} break\n'
Obviously, Tkinter is doing a lot of juggling below the covers. One solution would be to write a little helper procedure that remembers this for you:
def bindWidget(widget,event,func=None):
'''Set or retrieve the binding for an event on a widget'''
if not widget.__dict__.has_key("bindings"): widget.bindings=dict()
if func:
widget.bindings[event] = func
You would use it like this:
print "before, binding for <Button-1>: %s" % bindWidget(e1,"<Button-1>")
print " after, binding for <Button-1>: %s" % bindWidget(e1,"<Button-1>")
When I run the above code I get:
before, binding for <Button-1>: None
after, binding for <Button-1>: <function doSomething at 0xb7f2e79c>
As a final caveat, I don't use Tkinter much so I'm not sure what the ramifications are of dynamically adding an attribute to a widget instance. It seems to be harmless, but if not you can always create a global dictionary to keep track of the bindings.