



I'm using Apache 2.2 with mod_rewrite.

Is there a way to force mod_rewrite to rewrite the entire URL, including protocol? I know it will automatically rewrite the whole URL if the redirect contains http:// at the beginning but I'm trying to redirect to a URL that uses a proprietary protocol: fcp://

When I add it in as the redirect it just redirects to the URL of my server with the rewrite appended like so:

Can I configure the module to treat fcp:// as a full URL so I don't run in to this?

UPDATE: Here is the code I am using:

RewriteCond ${externals:$2|Unknown} !Unknown
RewriteRule ^(internal|external)/(.*)/? ${externals:$2} [R=301,NE,L,NS]

Inside the externals RewriteMap, I have a line like this:

firstclass-email     fcp://

When I go to trigger the RewriteRule by going to:

It will incorrectly redirect me to here:

If I change the protocol part from fcp:// to http://, Apache will realize it's an absolute URL and work correctly. I want Apache to recognize fcp:// should also be absolute.


Have you tried this?

RewriteRule ^/yourUrl$ fcp://otherUrl [RL]
Taylor Leese
That’s rather a question than an answer. But anyways, have you tried that on your own?
Haven't tried it, but it's my suggestion of what to try. Do you see something wrong with it?
Taylor Leese
I posed it as a question/answer because he didn't list what RewriteRule's he was currently using.
Taylor Leese
Yes, see the second half of my question for the result. It just adds the substitution part to the server's domain name.
Please post the actual RewriteRule that you are using.
Taylor Leese
I updated with the rules I'm using.
+1  A: 

Apache can only handle the most common URL schemes like http, https, ftp, mailto, etc. Custom URL schemes are not recognized as such but handled as a URL path.

See the is_absolute_uri function in the source code of mod_rewrite.c for details on what schemes are supported.

That's what I feared :( Is there any way to change this in userland?
Try to use a script that handles the redirect instead of Apache.