




This is an opinion question. If you were to write code using your iPhone, Blackberry, MID, PDA or whatever small-screen, no-keyboard device you have... how do you see the UI working best? I do not mean writing app for the small device, I mean using the small device instead of a PC/notebook/netbook to actually do he programming work.

I cannot see using a touch screen virtual keyboard - too clumsy. Possibly a lot of code snippets bound to virtual key sequences would work better, but still a lot of typing. If it could be done, a graphical coding method might work well because most small devices have a well developed GUI.

How do you imagine writing code on a small device?


IntelliSense-like functionality would rule the day. Seriously, without almost telepathic autocompletion or some such functionality, writing any non-trivial code on today's portable devices would be impractical at best (and not to mention mind-numbingly, unproductively slow).


I suggest an icon/graphical language like Automator. While I am not a fan of graphical programming languages, I cannot see anything requiring a lot of text input to be practical on a handheld device.

Dour High Arch
Automator is interesting but I think limited - it looks one can only combine those objects it provides. Novell had a thing like this about 15 years ago, user could drag icons representing functionality from eg Office onto a screnn and then hook actions to responses with lines. I have a half baked idea about design patterns. That if there were design pattern 'icons' in a graphical programming system then one would have more generality to program with. It would require a lot of abstraction. I'd like to have a really portable 'box' to code on, smaller than netbook/laptop. But the UI is a problem.
Eric M