



I think mine would be the "Getting Real" concept by

Basically this is based largely on the same-old-same-old KISS principle, but that simply proves how valid this principle is in many working environments and certainly in IT. I still benefit from this basic principle in my day-to-day programming.

What was your "eye opener" at the time?

+3  A: 

Agile project management

And how did Agile project management benefit you as a programmer Phunchak?
Johan Pelgrim
More involvement with the customer so better requirements, Less formal management, (unless you like dealing with manager), more time for actual coding, and more finished projects (nothing is as rewarding as seeing somebody actually using your program)
+5  A: 

The Long Tail . This is a very interesting concept to describe the niche strategy of businesses, such as or Netflix, that sell a large number of unique items in relatively small quantities.

The original wired article by Chris Anderson will certainly give a different perspective on business on web.

Nice article Gulzar! I just read the first page, but will definately read the whole article soon! Thanks much!
Johan Pelgrim
An opposing view:
Bob Cross
+7  A: 

The fact that it does not matter that the platform you are working on has been developed by some evil corporation. What matters is how much value you are adding to YOUR company by developing in it.

+2  A: 

Eeek.... You want me to pick just one?

I was very resistant to "Structured Programming" but finally came around to seeing the light (yeah, I'm old -- I've been doing this a while).

On the other hand, I caught on to "Object-Oriented Programming" right away (I'd been programming 10 years by that time, but it would be another 5 before someone would pay me to write C++ code). That was probably the brightest lightbulb going on over my head.

Now, I'm picking up the MVP pattern and Dependency Injection.

James Curran
Thanks James... BTW, what is the MVP pattern... Or did you mean the MVC pattern? :-P
Johan Pelgrim
Now if they would just come up with OOP Structured (OOPS) Programming.
MVP is "Model-View-Presenter" which is a variation of MVC which seems better to me.
James Curran

Discovering Boost, and finally working with someone who's relentless about writing exception-safe code.

Matt Cruikshank
Hi Matt. What is "Boost" (can you provide a link?) And what would be your definition (or a good example) of "Exception-safe" code?Thanks for your answer!Johan
Johan Pelgrim
Boost is at It's an open-source library of C++ code, started by many of the guys on the C++ Standard committee
James Curran
Thanks, James. And as to a good example of "Exception-safe" code... Using Scoped Guards for resources. For instance, I almost never type "delete" anymore. I always use one of the smart pointers in std::tr1 or boost. Mostly shared_ptr or scoped_ptr. There's practically no excuse to type delete.
Matt Cruikshank
+2  A: 

Functional programming.

Functional programming definately is a paradigm shift. I didn't try it hard (or long) enough to really see the light. Are you programming professionally in a functional language Zach? Which one? And can you explain why it was such an elightment for you? Thanks in advance for your answer!
Johan Pelgrim
I am studying SML currently at my uni, but professionally JavaScript has enough functional features that I can apply the concepts. Learning about new ways of approaching problems has really excited my inner programmer, and I'm finding my code more readable and succinct.
+8  A: 

The idea that there are jobs out there that don't suck, and that you shouldn't stay in a horrible shop out of loyalty or out of the faulty idea that "everywhere out there is just as bad as this place is." It's not a programming idea, I admit, but it certainly fits the criteria of this question -- it has helped me in my career immensely. It's also helped my mental health immensely! :-)

Jim Kiley
"Hear hear" Jim!!!
Johan Pelgrim
I sure wish i could just listen to you...
"everywhere out there is just as bad as this place is." - It would be interesting to read stories from people who work in places which disprove this statement, because it has been true to some degree of all places I worked for, depending on how much optimist you are.
+1  A: 

Its hard to make things easy, but it pays off in the end.

+1  A: 

Designing for testability.

+1  A: 

Design patterns which are my secret weapon in writing code sometimes

JB King
+4  A: 

Code generation. We consistently cut about 30% off of our projects by generating robust business objects automagically, and working on an ORM tool pushed me to a new level as a developer.

Tools like CodeSmith are absolutely invaluable.

Brian MacKay

The idea that code and data can be interchangeable. Functional style programming has helped me more than any other concepts.

Besides that, it would have to be iterative development. I feel a lot better when I know I can create the most basic, simple program, then expand it to fill its required needs.


Alex Fort
+2  A: 

Learning that it is important to try and see things from the perspective of others.

Ashley Davis

Using different frameworks and working on different technology stacks has helped a lot. You see the advantages and disadvantages of different solutions. In general, it makes you less religious.


MindMapping - which are like Hierarchy Chart but allow for easier discovery and thought logging


One of the biggest aha moments Ive had was when I started using Lua from C and started seeing how high level languages are constructed. Most of my professional work is done in high level languages so seeing how something like a Lua table is constructed out of basic c primitives was a real eye opener and helped me understand what is actually happening under the hood in a scripting language.

+1  A: 

An eyeopener for me was when a coworker reduced a work of mine that was several hundred lines long into something that was only about 100. I learned that I needed to remember KISS and that if it's getting too convoluted, there is most likely a better way.


Design Principles articles from Object Mentor site. especially

  1. Open closed
  2. Liskov Substituion
  3. Dependency inversion
  4. Acyclic Dependency.

Check the articles on Look for 'Design Principle'.

It changed my vocabulary and gave better foundation for any design reviews that I do.

Nitin Bhide

Not listening to any rule-book and coding daily for years and years :)

Cyril Gupta

Mine was definately continuous building and automated testing. I'm still early on in my career so these are quite new to me. We setup a integrated SVN, CruiseControl build system very early on in our project and we've seen the benefit through not wasting anytime in manually maiking releases at the end of each sprint.


Automated refactoring support. Once you internalize it, automated refactoring totally changes the way you work -- the way you approach legacy code, the way you design new code, even the way you type.

Of course, once you're sufficiently addicted, it leaves you screwed for languages and environments that don't have it. :)

David Moles