Every day after I finish a hard days coding (or an easy days youtubing) I log work done against the tickets I have been (ostentibly) working on. Then Mr. Manager takes this oh-so-useful information and builds a burn-down chart. This then allows us to track how 'complete' we are in the overall scope of things. It also allows us to measure our velocity (essentially How Fast We Get Things Done).
I've noticed that some people complete their tasks well under the original estimate (which makes us look good) and some people complete their tasks over the original estimate (which makes us look bad).
While this measures how quickly people finish tasks it doesn't measure how well. It really gives you no solid indication of developer performance.
Neither does lines of code (you don't want devs to be overly verbose).
Neither does bugs raised (you are now basing the performance of a developer on the performance of a tester; they could not raise enough or raise too many).
So how would you go about measuring developer performance?