


+2  Q: 

Mocking USB input

Our product includes some custom hardware, that connects to a PC via USB. We've started looking into automatic testing, but so far I'm unable to find a tool that can record/replay generic USB input.

Does anyone know of such a tool?
(And - it would be best if it's somehow scriptable - testing would have to alternate between GUI interaction and custom hardware manipulation)

+1  A: 

There are a couple of test tools on the tools page, not sure if that's what you need.

Traveling Tech Guy
Thanks, but seems these are all USB protocol-conformance testing tools.
Ofek Shilon
+1  A: 

You can develop a simple program using Usblib. Its easy to use.

Chathuranga Chandrasekara
Thanks, but that's exactly what I hope to bypass...
Ofek Shilon
+1  A: 

I don't know if any USB analyzers have option for replay they have for sure option for record. Right now I can think of only LeCroy but there are others companies that make USB analyzers. But they cost similar, LeCroy would be rather top price. Here you should get fair comparison of USB analyzers and their price. (have to register to see article)

Chris - can you give an example USB analyzer?
Ofek Shilon
+1  A: 

Hardware solution,

Do you want to generate USB traffic. It's long since I used it, but the CATC protocol analyzer can also generate traffic. And off course, you can write scripts to generate these traffic ...

Software solution,

Write your own application to send packets to the USB bus driver, and also check the usbview (shipped with Windows DDK) source code. You can send data directly to any USB pipe. This is less expensive, but a bit difficult than the hardware solution ...


Thanks! I'll dig into it.
Ofek Shilon