



I'm converting some html parsing code from BeautifulSoup to lxml. I'm trying to figure out the lxml equivalent syntax for the following BeautifullSoup statement:

soup.find('a', {'class': ['current zzt', 'zzt']})

Basically I want to find all of the "a" tags in the document that have a class attribute of either "current zzt" or "zzt". BeautifulSoup allows one to pass in a list, dictionary, or even a regular express to perform the match.

What is the lxml equivalent?


+2  A: 

No, lxml does not provide the "find first or return None" method you're looking for. Just use (select(soup) or [None])[0] if you need that, or write a function to do it for you.

import lxml.html
import lxml.cssselect
soup = lxml.html.fromstring("""
        <a href="foo" class="yyy zzz" />
        <a href="bar" class="yyy" />
        <a href="baz" class="zzz" />
        <a href="quux" class="zzz yyy" />
        <a href="warble" class="qqq" />
        <p class="yyy zzz">Hello</p>

select = lxml.cssselect.CSSSelector("a.yyy.zzz, a.yyy")
print [lxml.html.tostring(s).strip() for s in select(soup)]
print (select(soup) or [None])[0]

Ok, so soup.find('a') would indeed find first a element or None as you expect. Trouble is, it doesn't appear to support the rich XPath syntax needed for CSSSelector.
