




Hello, i am fairly new to implementing 3d interfaces..and i was trying to make a data carousal (i already made a cube and a house and some other nice little stuff).. The whole implementation is made in C# code behind..with just a little code written in XAML

my problem is when i implement my data window..in a 2d design it looks perfect.. however,if i try to put the same implementation to a Geometry mesh inside a viewport2dvisual3d container,the controls appear so big and the resolution and the controls sizes are pretty ugly(I.E: my "Next" button takes 1/2 of the mesh.

i tried using Layout tachniques (grids/dockpanels) with margins/and padding. but still no use... even though the buttons sizes started appearing normal.the grid columns/rows are still huge! and using "*" sizing didn't help at all,either all my columns have an equal width, or the one with the biggest control (lesser margins applied-on) has the biggest width, both ways, i end up with a very ugly looking interface.

UPDATE: I fixed the resolution issue by using Viewbox control.Now all the text and controls appear nice and smooth.. HOWEVER, i still cant figure out a way to force the controls not to fill up the whole screen..