
Is there a secret trick to force antialiasing inside Viewport3D in Windows XP?

Under Windows XP WPF true 3D content (wich is usually displayed using the Viewport3D control) looks extremely ugly because it is by default not antialiased as the rest of the WPF graphics are. Especially at lower resolution the experience is so bad that it can not be used in production code. I have managed to force antialiasing on some ...

WPF 3D - Detirmine whether a ModelVisual3D is being clipped inside it's Viewport3D

I have a cube rendering inside a Viewport3D and i need to know a way to find out whether ALL of the cube is visible to the user. Edit:Just to be clear,..I'm not talking about clipping because of the near/far plane distance here. I mean the cube is to tall or wide to fit in the cameras field of view. Any help would be massively appre...

WPF: 2d designs appear in an ugly resolution when i put them into a Geometry mesh in a viewport2dvisual3d ? (Viewport3D)

Hello, i am fairly new to implementing 3d interfaces..and i was trying to make a data carousal (i already made a cube and a house and some other nice little stuff).. The whole implementation is made in C# code behind..with just a little code written in XAML my problem is when i implement my data a 2d design it looks perfect....

WPF 3D Gradientbrush problem

The main problem is in LinearGradientBrush. It fills triangle in solid red. What's wrong? I have tried almost the same code with 2d shapes. It worked perfectly. <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1...

Multiple lag problems in my Viewport3D

I have a Viewport3D with user controls in it. Each of the user controls are a Viewport2DVisual3D control with the Visual set to the user control. Each control has buttons that, when clicked, will rotate the camera so that it's facing another user control. While the camera rotates to face the other user control, the original user control ...

Adding a child to Viewport3D asynchronously gives "This API was accessed with arguments from the wrong context."

When I try to add 3D-content to a Viewport3D, asynchronously, this results in "This API was accessed with arguments from the wrong context." in a TargetInvocationException. The 3D-content is generated from the data of a 3D-scanning device. The communication&calculations needed for that are done in a separate thread. First, I tried to a...

Viewport 3D WPF C#

Can you please show how to set and save the background color of the viewport3D. Whenever I save no background is visible only model, I tried the grid but that gets everything in the grid? Any help will do? ...

"GeometryHitTestParameters' HitTestParameters are not supported on 'Viewport3DVisual" error from the new SDK?

I was part of a team that developed a Surface application during the summer. I was set to do some minor changes to this application now, but got errors that were not present last time the exact same code was ran. The error message is "GeometryHitTestParameters' HitTestParameters are not supported on 'Viewport3DVisual" and is complainin...

Problems with 3D WPF

Hi, I started to learn some 3D in WPF today and I copied some simple examples (planes) into my XAML, and they all worked. However, when I adjusted the camera's and the plane's coordinates to meet my needs, I always see nothing. I do not know what I am doing wrong, and I also already sketched the (really simple) 3D scene to verify my da...

Zoom to specified mesh

Say we have 3 mesh in the viewport3d and one camera. If I select mesh 1 I want the camera to zoom to the specified mesh? ...

WPF - Render text in Viewport3D

I want to present up to 300 strings (just a few words) in a Viewport3D - fast! I want to render them on different Z positions and zoom in and out fluently. The ways I have found so far to render text in a Viewport3D: Put a TextBlock in a Viewport2DVisual3D. This guy's PlanarText class. The same guy's SolidText class. Create my own 2D ...

WPF FlowDocument, Viewport3D, Adobe 3D PDF

Hello everybody, In my little test application i created a FlowDocument instance and added a simple Paragraph containing some text. In the second step i added a BlockUIContainer containing a Viewport3D to the FlowDocument and some more text. It all displays well. I can display the FlowDocument inside a FlowDocumentReader and see the t...

Performance problem when applying a RenderTransform to a Viewport3d in WPF

I have implemented zooming and panning in my WPF app using a RenderTranform combining scaling and translations. Everything is peachy with bitmaps, text, graphic paths, shapes and more. As soon as I put a viewport3d in the visual tree and I zoom into the picture, performance drops to terrible (non-interactive!) levels. Any suggestions...

WPF: How to identify specific 3D models in the Viewport3D control

Hello, I am writing a program that needs to display a very simple 3D scene. Models are added and removed from the scene based on the user's interaction with the GUI. Right now, I can add models just fine. My problem is with removal. None of the 3D model classes involved (MeshGeometry3D, GeometryModel3D, Model3DGroup, and ModelVisual3D...

A question about WPF. Size in Viewport3D

<Window x:Class="Viewport2DVisual3DExample.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Button on 3D" WindowStyle="None" Background="{x:Null}" Foreground="{x:Null}" AllowsTransparency="True" > <Viewport3D> <Viewp...

Place an Image into ViewPort3D in wpf.

Hi I am having problem in displaying th Image in viewport3d of wpf. <Grid> <Image Source="G:\Demo\virtualization\virtualization\2.jpg"/> <Viewport3D Name="mainViewport" ClipToBounds="True" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="300"> <Viewport3D.Camera> <PerspectiveCamera LookDirection="0,0...

Useful lighting of a single-colored 3D object in a WPF Viewport3D

I have a 3D Modell of a house, where the roof is invisible so that the rooms can be seen (like here) But (for now) I have no textures and each surface has the same color, e.g., var myMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush(myColor)) If I view it in a WPF Viewport3D, I want to be able to differentiate between the surfaces....

3D is not rendering in WPF Application

I am trying to render 3D object using the below code. But when I run the application, nothing is displayed. It seems to be blank. Am I missing anything? <Page x:Class="SampleWpfApplication.DemoPage3" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="DemoPage3"...