



In my Rails controller I want to branch to a different controller's action, show its view and then return back to my original action, i.e. it's not a simple redirect, more like a sub-procedure call.

I want to use this whenever a user does something suspicious, like editing a post too often in a row. I still want to allow the edit, but first the user has to answer some CAPTCHA-like questions on a different page. (Similar to Authlogic-oid, where during validation the user is redirected to the OpenID provider's page)


You can't.

Convert the common stuff into a helper method and then both the controllers should call this method.

Neeraj Singh
What aboud Authlogic-oid? It redirects to the OpenID provider's page during the validation and then returns. (At least it looks that way, the internals might work different)
Authlogic-oid uses modules. Modules are like classes, only they don't have instances. You mix them into a class (such as your controller) to gain their functionality. Lot's of gems use them.
In my case, what would be the "common stuff"?
I think he was talking about shared code. Anything used in more than one place.
Yes, I believe so, too, but what has that to do with my question? That's why I ask for a little bit more clarification.

It's possible to create an instance of the other controller and call methods on it, but you should probably reevaluate your organization first (look into helpers, modules, etc.)

@my_other_controller =

+2  A: 

You can push the current request into the Session, then do a redirect to the captcha, then have the captcha action look into the Session to check where it should redirect to.

IIRC, Autlogic does exactly that with redirect_back_or_default.

Leonid Shevtsov