



Hay Guys, whats the best books to learn ruby (and ruby on rails)?

Any books you guys would recommend?


+2  A: 


why's (poignant) guide to Ruby

best book i've ever read on a programming language and it's free!


Simply Rails 2

Robert Greiner
+6  A: 


Agile Web Development with Rails, third edition: I learned rails reading the first edition. This is definitively what you want to read if you want to start coding with ruby on rails.

The Rails Way: is my reference for every day programming

Rails Recipe: Nice examples. I prefer the advanced one but if you start this one should be good for you.


Design Patterns in Ruby: Helped me understand ruby a bit more. There is a nice introduction explaining ruby 101, and then it gets into more advanced and interesting stuff

The Ruby Way: a good reference

Nice list, but I can't belive you haven't mentioned the pick axe. Back when the first edition of Agile Web Development with Rails was out it was the only english ruby book out there.
+2  A: 

Agile Web Development with Rails, 3rd Edition. The only one you’ll need. (You can also get it at Amazon, but I recommend buying it directly from Pragmatic Programmers for the PDF version.)

Guillermo Esteves
+3  A: 

I'm a big fan of David Black's books. He writes clearly, and appears to know every nook and crany of Ruby. Ruby for Rails is a bit outdated, but The Well-Grounded Rubyist is an excellent way to get to know Ruby 1.9 well.

I second the recommendation of Design Patterns in Ruby, and I would also mention Ruby Best Practices.

Finally, it's hard to argue with The Ruby Programming Language as a reference since Matz is a co-author.

The Well-Grounded Rubyist is awesome. Mr Black knows his stuff.
Andy Gaskell

I would say the best books I have read for Ruby are:

  1. Programming Ruby is both great language guide and yet reference book.

  2. Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition is great language guide packed with good examples.

The best Rails book is:

Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition I love this book, it is example driven book about the Rails framework and you will start with making a basic on-line shooping chart site from scratch. It includes the whole development process with the agile methodology.


Another vote for The Well Grounded Rubyist. I was introduced to it recently by a friend and it was as good as advertised. Well written and a great introduction to Ruby 1.9


I would check out Simply Rails if you're starting from scratch. It is simple and straight-forward, it really just gives you a taste of what's possible. A lot of the other posts I see listed are great books too and better in many ways, but for beginning, this one can't be beat.

Another great place to jump off is railscasts


IMO best books are: * The Rails Way * The Ruby Way * Designs Patterns in Ruby * Agile Web Development (but i'm not sure)

I haven't read Programming Ruby 1.9 but I suppose it is good book.


A very good book 4 beginners who dunno anythin abt ruby n it teaches right frm how to install as well and makes you practice stuffs also !

nikhil rao