



From prev Question (

FormA is bounded to multiple tables (a,b,c)

from a, I have 1 combo-boxe(1) that displays customers from b, I have a combo-box(2) that displays items from c, (used as shopping basket) displays items the customer adds - combo-box(3)

I created a button that copies the value in combo-box(2) and paste's it in combo-box(3) in combo-box(3),created an event "after update" to save and create new record for combo-box(3)

because it creates a new record all the other combo-boxes go blank, That means every time I add an item, I have to choose that customer again to add another item.

is there a way of only creating a new record for combo-box(3) or is there a way for combo-box(1)&(2) not to go blank when add new to combo-box(3)

hope this version is better, understandable thanks