Here's an article that suggests a number of directions you might go in:
Using Unicode in Visual Basic 6 (Access's VBA is an superset of VB6)
Then you'll probably want to muck around with these Access/VBA functions:
That doesn't resolve all of it, but that should give you a starting point.
Note for StrConv() the two constants for the 2nd argument, vbUnicode and vbFromUnicode, and the last, optional argument is the character set, which for Greek is given in the URL cited above as 161 (there doesn't seem to be a named constant for this -- the dbLangGreek constant returns ";LANGID=0x0408;CP=1253;COUNTRY=0").
It occurs to me that as long as you're limited to Greek for this, you might need to just set up an array that maps the characters to their corresponding numeric encoding. But I think it would be better to use a solution that handles more than one encoding.
Last of all, you might try going to this page on Michael Kaplan's old website,
The Localized Website of Trigeminal Software, Inc.
...and scroll down to the end, "Miscellaneous I18n resources on this site." Much of that information is out of date for .NET and other programming, but it's still going to apply to VB6/Access VBA.