



In my app, I've vendored the json-1.1.6 gem and in environment.rb file, its mentioned

config.gem "json", :version => '1.1.6'

When I try to access via browser, the following error is shown by passenger.

Error message:
can't activate json (= 1.1.7, runtime) for [], already activated json-1.1.6 for ["dancroak-twitter-search-0.5.5"]

And in my dev machine, gem list show

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

json (1.1.7)
json_pure (1.1.7)

But since the gem is vendored with the version of 1.1.6, it should take the precedence, right? Coz when booting via script/server (Mongrel), the app runs smoothly.

Have anybody been through such kinda situation??

+1  A: 

Maybe dancroak-twitter-search has a hard dependency on 1.1.7 specifically?
