I have a huge Java Application with numerous packages. Some of the classes in these packages have dependency on classes in other packages. given a class, i want ot know all the dependent classes on it and vice versa. A GUI tool shld be really helpful.
There's some useful tools described here for the (free) Eclipse IDE. There's also more info on dependency tools with a comparison against depfinder here.
2009-09-08 07:11:28
+1. Enjoy 10K ;)
2009-09-08 07:22:41
Ha! Thanks. Not sure how that's worked though, as I hit my daily points limit 10 minutes ago :-P
2009-09-08 07:23:48
I would also recommend Eclipse as there are various plugins for this task. For example ispace which can create a graphical representation of the package dependencies.
I general the Source code analyzer section of eclipse's plugin central has more plugins in that direction.
2009-09-08 07:21:03