I need to call a static function from an object using the Singleton design, but using a variable as the class name.
The best way, $class::getInstance();
, is only available in PHP 5.3, and the other way I found, call_user_func(array($class, 'getInstance'));
, results in the maximum execution time being breached. Does anyone know why this is happening, or of a way for this to work / a workaround?
I know that this is not the best way for things to be done, and the Singleton design pattern would not be my first choice, but unfortunately it's not up to me.
Thanks in advance to anyone who contributes :)
I include the rest of the code involved:
abstract class Library
protected function __construct(){}
final private function __clone(){}
final public static function &getInstance()
static $libs = array();
$lib = get_called_class();
if(!isset($libs[$lib])) $libs[$lib] = new $lib();
return $libs[$lib];
public function &loadLibrary($lib)
// Filter $lib, and load the library class file...
// Following only works in PHP 5.3
// return $lib::getInstance();
// Following results in maximum execution time being breached.
return call_user_func(array($lib, 'getInstance'));
$someLibrary =& loadLibrary('someLibrary');
class someLibrary extends Library
protected function __construct(){}
// Code...
Soulmerge make a valid point saying that get_called_class()
is only in PHP 5.3, and therefore I must be using it, but alas, I just cheat my way round things as I usually do (Thanks to Chris Webb from http://www.septuro.com/ for the code - far too complex to be any of my own!).
class classTools
static $i = 0;
static $fl = null;
static function get_called_class()
$bt = debug_backtrace();
if(self::$fl == $bt[2]['file'].$bt[2]['line']) self::$i++;
else {
self::$i = 0;
self::$fl = $bt[2]['file'].$bt[2]['line'];}
$lines = file($bt[2]['file']);
preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)::'.$bt[2]['function'].'/', $lines[$bt[2]['line']-1], $matches);
return $matches[1][self::$i];
function get_called_class()
return classTools::get_called_class();
I shall go over all my code again, as there must be a loop somewhere. Back to the drawing board I go :(